VI Iberian Quaternary Meeting 2005
VI Iberian Quaternary Meeting 2005
John Mackintosh Hall (Gibraltar)
26th – 28th September, 2005
Following the decision taken by the General Assembly of AEQUA which took place in Oviedo (2003), during the XI National Meeting of the Quaternary, Gibraltar was selected as the venue for the VI Iberian Quaternary Meeting.
The subject of this meeting – The Iberian Peninsula and its population by Hominids – had been brought about by the great international interest that there was on the subject of Human Evolution and its dispersal throughout the Quaternary, the Iberian Peninsula as a zone of transit, habitat, and refugia of populations, and on the Strait of Gibraltar as a possible bridge between ‘temporal windows of opportunity’.
Despite this preferred theme, other publications on work that was being carried out or applications that are related to other Quaternary fields were accepted. Work on other areas outside the Iberian Peninsula was acceptable, but preference was given to those within the Mediterranean area.