RGS – IBG, London 2008

RGS – IBG, London 2008
27th – 29th August, 2008
The coastal zone, although much appreciated for its aesthetic qualities, has been subjected to many changes during the Late Holocene. For example, most sites along Scottish coasts are currently experiencing rising relative sea levels, despite long-term isostatic crustal uplift which produced falling relative sea levels prior to the onset of modern global sea level rise. Coastal areas in southern Britain are prone to flooding and storm surge activity and large amounts of sediment movement. Here the effects of relative sea level rise are intensified due to isostatic land subsidence. Future sea level rise driven by changing climatic conditions makes planning of activities within this zone of vital importance to the continued functionality and prosperity of this area. Pollution from fluvial, terrestrial and marine systems often concentrates along the coastline, management structures designed to protect the terrestrial environment cause coastal processes to change and different landforms to establish, and the building of bridges, fish farms and causeways also impact heavily on the coastal environment interrupting sediment transport pathways. The coastal zone acts as the interface between terrestrial and marine systems and the relationship between the different processes, ecosystems and landforms is complex and varies both spatially and temporally. Many studies have been undertaken in the last century on coastal environments and the findings from these should therefore be utilised in the development of future strategies.
This session investigated short – and medium – term changes experienced within the coastal zone and considered the implications of these within the wider geographical context.
Dr Katherine Selby
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)1904 434784