IGC-OSLO, Joint Session with IGCP 495 2008
IGC-OSLO, Joint Session with IGCP 495 2008
Sea level fluctuations: Past, present and future
Oslo, Norway
6th – 14th August, 2008
Conveners: Willy Fjeldskaar, Lawrence Cathles, Arto Miettinen
We are pleased to announce the 33rd International Geological Congress (IGC) in Oslo, Norway, from 6th – 14th August 2008 and to invite you to attend the session CGC-05 Sea level fluctuations: Past, present and future. The session will cover all aspects of sea-level change and should be of wide interest to colleagues in IGCP 495 ‘Quaternary Land-Ocean Interactions: Driving Mechanisms and Coastal Responses’.
If you’d like to submit an abstract for consideration as an oral paper, please go to the following link: http://www.33igc.org/coco/
The deadline for abstract submissions is 29th February, 2008.
The International Geological Congress is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization whose meetings are held in collaboration with, and under sponsorship of, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). The IUGS holds its General Assemblies in conjunction with Sessions of the IGC. The main purpose of the Congress is to encourage the advancement of fundamental and applied research in the earth sciences world-wide. There are two excursions, one immediately before (Part A) and one immediately after (Part B) the main meeting as follows:
- Part A from 30th July to 5th August 2008 – with an emphasis on Paleoseismics and Uplift
- Part B from 15th to 19th August 2008 – with an emphasis on Sea Level Changes and Climate
Dr Arto Miettinen
Norwegian Polar Institute
Polar Environmental Centre
N-9296 Tromsø
e-mail: [email protected]
Professor Antony J. Long
Department of Geography
Durham University
e-mail: [email protected]