Relationship with Previous IGCP Projects

Relationship with Previous IGCP Projects
Previous IGCP projects have been highly successful in improving our understanding of the patterns of sea-level change and coastal evolution over a wide range of timescales. Indeed, Project 495 has evolved from several previous IGCP programmes during the last 25 years, including Project 61 “Sea-level change during the last deglacial hemicycle” directed by A.L. Bloom (1974-1982), Project 200 “Sea-level correlation and application” directed by Paulo Pirazzoli (1983-1987), Project 274 “Coastal evolution in the Late Quaternary” directed by Orson van de Plassche (1988-1993), Project 367 “Late Quaternary coastal records of rapid change” directed by D.B. Scott (1994-1998) and Project 437 “Coastal environmental change during sea-level highstands” directed by C.V. Murray-Wallace (1999-2003).
The project provides some excellent opportunities for collaboration with existing IGCP programmes, including IGCP 396 “Continental shelves in the Quaternary”, IGCP Project 464 “Continental shelves during the last glacial cycle: knowledge and applications” (Yim et al., 2002), IGCP 449 “Global Correlation of Late Cenozoic Fluvial Deposits” (Maddy and Bridgland), Deltas in the Monsoon Asia-Pacific Region (DeltaMAP, Goodbred and Saito), APN Mega Deltas in Asia (Chen, Goodbred, Thanh, Saito and Islam) as well as providing a much-needed coastal dimension to other international programmes, including EPILOG and INTIMATE.