2nd International Conference, Indonesia, 2005

2nd International Conference, Indonesia, 2005
A joint IGCP 495 – INQUA Meeting
International Conference and Field Trip on:
Quaternary Ocean & Land Interaction: Climatic, Tectonic & Anthropogenic Influence
Anyer-Carita, Banten-Sunda Strait Area, Indonesia
24th – 30th September, 2005

The Sunda Strait region is of crucial importance to our understanding of a wide range of Quaternary processes related to the driving mechanisms of coastal and sea-level change. These include glacial-interglacial changes in sea-level, variations in coastal geometry and ocean circulation, climate change and carbon cycling, as well as tectonic processes (notably the eruption of 1883 Krakatau and the “Asian tsunami” of 26/12/04) and a range of human coastal impacts.
The conference included two days of paper sessions and three days of field excursions. Oral presentations and posters on all aspects of:
- Land-Ocean interactions – extreme events (earthquakes, tsunami (including the December 26th 2004 event) and volcanoes) and their impacts on coastal ecosystems
- Coastal deposits as archives of palaeoclimate change and climate forcing over Late Quaternary to recent time periods (ENSO, Dipole, Mode, Global Ocean Current, Walker-Hadley Circulation, etc.)
- Vertical and lateral changes in sea-level during the Late Quaternary
The fieldtrip visited a wide range of sites that included: Krakatau volcano building of new cone through lava flows and its pyroclastic products, coral blocks as relict of past tsunami, Holocene sea level reefs controlled by hydro-isostatic rebound and magmatic bulge, modern coral reef in volcano island, first occupation by flora-fauna in active volcano, peat digging in a reclaimed area, human impact on beach dynamics, examples of coastal zone management, 15 century abandon palace and harbor, etc.