6th International Conference, USA, 2009

6th International Conference, USA, 2009
A joint INQUA – IGCP 495 Meeting
Sixth International Conference
International Geoscience Programme Project 495 Quaternary Land-Ocean Interactions
Driving Mechanisms and Coastal Responses
jointly organised with
The INQUA Commission on Coastal and Marine Processes
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA
25th October – 31st October, 2009
Late Registration Period: July 15th – August 10th, 2009
It is still possible to register for the IGCP 495 conference through July 15th – August 10th.
However, space is limited (particularly for oral sessions).
For late registration please forward by e-mail your interest and a working title and listing of authorship for any potential abstracts to: [email protected].
We will seek to turnaround response within two days.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Arrival Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA
13:00 – 14:00 Registration
14:00 – 17:00 Afternoon poster/technical session
18:00 – 19:00 Ice-breaker reception
Monday, October 26, 2009
08:30 – 12:00 Scientific oral and poster sessions (coffee break @10:30)
13:30 – 16:30 Scientific oral and poster sessions (coffee break @15:00)
18:00 – 20:00 Reception Ripley’s Aquarium, Myrtle Beach, SC
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
08:30 – 12:00 Scientific oral and poster sessions (coffee break @10:30)
13:30 – 16:30 Scientific oral and poster sessions (coffee break @15:00)
16:30 – 18:00 IGCP 495 Business Meeting
19:00 – 21:00 Conference Dinner / Program: Tribute to Orson Van de Plassche
Wednesday, October 28 – Saturday October 31, 2009 Optional Conference Field Excursion
Optional Field Excursion
The Carolina coast: driving mechanisms of coastal change over different time scales
($350/person includes transportation/lunches and housing [double occupancy])
Two recent large multi-institutional research programs have focused on the coastal systems of South Carolina and North Carolina. These have been cooperative efforts between the US Geological Survey and numerous universities and state agencies in the region. Collectively, these programs have completed extensive mapping of the geologic framework of the coastal zone and inner shelf across a broad section of the Carolinas. Coastal erosion and process studies have built upon this framework to better understand the dynamics and response of this region possessing a wide range of morphological styles and driving forces (wave and tidal regime). The excursion will emphasize examples of Pleistocene and Holocene evolution of coastal features e.g. barriers, spits, estuaries, lagoons, and coastal systems, and an opportunity to review recent research advances relating to the overall theme of the project. The excursion will be co-organized by Coastal Carolina University, US Geological Survey-Woods Hole, East Carolina University, Dalhousie University and South Carolina Sea Grant.
Excursion Itinerary
Wednesday, October 28th – South Carolina Grand Strand (Overnight Marriott Grande Dunes-Myrtle Beach)
- Debordieu Beach- Coastal Erosion Issues
- Murrells Inlet-Geologic Framework of the Grand Strand
- Myrtle Beach-Long Bay Process Studies
- Myrtle Beach-Grand Strand Nourishment Projects
- Arcadia Shores-Welding Barrier / Swashes
Thursday, October 29th – South Carolina Grand Strand (Overnight Ocracoke Island)
- Waties Island-Mid-Holocene Cored Barrier
- Transit to Southern North Carolina (4 hr bus ride)
- Ferry Ride to Outer Banks of North Carolina
Friday, October 30th – North Carolina Outer Banks (Overnight Kill Devil Hills, NC)
- Ocracoke Island
- Cape Hatteras
- Buxton Beach
- Isabel Inlet site, Oregon Inlet
Saturday, October 31st – North Carolina Outer Banks
- South Nags Head
- Sand Point (one of the sea-level study areas)
- East Lake Pit where the late Pleistocene tidal flats are exposed
- Duck. There are probably a few other sites that could be taken in as well, time permitting (Run Hill, Kitty Hawk Beach ridges, etc.)
- Participants may depart from Duck NC (Norfolk, VA) or return to Conway
Conference Logistics
Technical Session
A one-page extended abstract should be submitted by July 15th – August 10th (extended period) to be considered for presentation at the conference. Abstract should be submitted via e-mail to [email protected]. Abstracts and conference proceedings will be compiled in English.
Conference Registration
Late Registration Period: July 15 – August 10
It is still possible to register for the IGCP 495 conference through July 15th – August 10th (extended period). Space is limited (particularly for oral sessions). For late registration please forward by e-mail your interest and a working title and listing of authorship for any potential abstracts to: [email protected].
We will seek to turnaround response within two days.
There is a registration fee of $250 US/participant. This covers the cost of conference ice breaker, Conference Dinner, coffee breaks, and meeting facilities and materials.This does not include accommodation at the hotel in Myrtle Beach. See Below.
The registration fee can be settled by credit card or check. Checks should be made payable to Coastal Carolina University (Please reference IGCP 495). The registration deadline is July 15th – August 10th (extended period).
Registration can be completed via website: http://www.coastal.edu/cmws/IGCP495 or by contacting:
Ms Julie Quinn
Burroughs and Chapin Center for Marine and Wetland Studies
Coastal Carolina University
P.O. Box 261954
South Carolina 29528
e-mail: [email protected]
Conference Accomodations
The conference will be held at the Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Marriott which has provided a favorable conference rate of $105/evening. The conference ice breaker reception and conference dinner will also be held at the Marriott. The Center for Marine and Wetland Studies Board of Visitors will also host a reception at the Ripley’s Aquarium in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Reservations and billing for rooms can be set up directly with the Marriott Grande Dunes. Please reference the ICGP confernece to secure the conference rate.
Potential for IGCP Travel Support: You may also be interested to note that UNESCO provide a limited amount of funding to support attendance at this conference from delegates from poorer countries who would otherwise not be able to attend. Please note that this support rarely covers the full cost of conference attendance but can provide support with flights and/or registration.
If you wish to apply under this scheme, please email Antony Long, e-mail: [email protected] providing:
a) the case for support
b) a budget detailing in full the amount of funding sought and commitments from other sources
c) a short CV
Applications are to be received by June 15th, 2009 and a decision will be taken within 2 – 3 days.